Main Performance Index of Silicon Carbide(SIC) |
Purity(SIC percentage)%: |
≥90 |
≥98 |
Density(g/cm3): |
3.05 |
3.1 |
Hardness(HS): |
110-125 |
120-130 |
Elastic modulus(MPa) : |
4.12×105 |
4.10×105 |
Poisson ratio : |
0.15 |
0.16 |
Tensile strength(MPa) : |
2.75×102 |
2.8×102 |
Bending strength (MPa) : |
4.41×102 |
4.9×102 |
Compression strength (MPa) : |
2.94×103 |
3×103 |
Thermal conductivity(W/m.k) : |
141 |
147 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion(l/℃) : |
4.3×10-6 |
4.0×10-6 |
Heat resistance(in the atmosphere) : |
1600℃ |
1650℃ |
Thermal impact coefficient(cal/cm.sec) : |
46.5 |
200 |
Acid resistance: |
5 times higher than the usual TC |
Resist all chemical media |